Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Readers are Reaching Out!

I woke up this morning to a wonderful email from a woman who had just read my book. She said she had to reach out to me because it helped her so much! All I could say to myself was---WOW!  What a feeling. Because my book is about the subject of breakups and because I have suffered many a heartbreak, I really wanted to write a book that would really be helpful for any woman going through the same thing. And apparently I have. I am so grateful for the feedback and emails from my readers. They inspire me to keep writing and let me know that my book is achieving it's ultimate goal.  

Here are a few  emails from readers!

I recently broke up with my boyfriend of six months, and by recently, I mean on Friday and the truth is, he broke up with me. The whole thing feels like it was very "out of the blue" and I definitely didn't see it coming.  We were living together and from start to finish, knew each other and dated for six months!
Yesterday, I was flying back to Atlanta from Colorado (I went home for the weekend to lick my wounds) and saw your book at the airport. Your book is incredible!!! I read the whole thing (well, up to the last two chapters) in a 2.5 hour flight. I have learned so much from your strength and courage. I can't tell you how much I have gained from reading your book and can't help but thinking that God put that book in my hands. Thank you  for writing such an important book. I am forever changed for reading it.
Much love.

Girl your book is so helpful. I received the galleys months ago and I just put it on  the shelf because I was in a relationship and was going to give it to a friend to rad. The last week of the year I broke off a 4 year relationship that was full of issues and not moving forward.

He's Gone...You're Back! has been my nightly therapy session, I have written scriptures in the book and notes to myself, and your book had become  a journal piece instead of a book on my shelf.  Girl I commend you on your testimony and I am inspired by the testimonies in the book. It let's me know I will be ok.


Kandi3 said...

This leaves nothing left for me to say! Your book is awesome. I'm glad to know it is helping other women like it helped me. Can't wait to read more of your books.

Anonymous said...
